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Tram systems in Australia

About Australia

Australia comprises of the mainland of the Australian continent, Tasmania and numerous smaller islands and is officially known as theAustralia. Australia is the 6th largest country in the world, with an area of 7,692,024km2 and the 51st most populous, with a population of 25,315,200 (2019 (estimated)). The capital of Australia is Canberra and the largest city is Sydney.

Trams in Australia

The history of trams in Australia dates back to the late 19th century and, when they were horse and steam driven. In the early years of the 20th century, there were tram systems in 16 cities throughout the country, but by the early 1970s, the only remaining passenger line was in Melbourne, which is today the largest tram network in the world. Like many other countries, trams have regained favour in recent years and there are now 5 systems in operation, in Adelaide, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Newcastle and Sydney.
