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Tram line 3 in Bern

About Line 3

Tram line 3 in Bern runs from Bern Bahnof in the center of the city to Weissenbühl on the southern outskirts. The entire journey takes about 9 minutes and there is a tram every 10 minutes.

Route of Bern line 3

Tram line 3 starts under the covered platforms of Bern Bahnof, which is the central hub of Bern's public transport network. From here, the line travels west along Bubenbergplatz, before turning left onto Hirschengraben, with its central tree-lined pedestrian walkway, monument and fountain. After leaving Hirschengraben, the line turns right on to Effingerstrasse, to Kocherpark, from where it turns left on to Belpstrasse. Running down Belpstrasse, the line turns left on to Eigerplatz, before joining Seftigenstrasse. The line follows Seftigenstrasse, passing the intermediate stop of Beaumont, before arriving at the terminus at Weissenbühl, where there is a small tram depot.

Bern line 3 in detail

Below is a stop by stop description of the route of tram line 3 in Bern. For more detailed information on individual stops, click on their name. Times shown are an estimate of the time taken to travel between each stop.

The following icons are shown next to the name of the stop to indicate interchanges with other routes

  • Interchange for other tram routes.
  • Interchange on to bus routes.
  • Interchange on to train routes.
  • Interchange on to metro/subway/underground routes.
  • Interchange on to boat routes.
  • Interchange for airport.

Bern Bahnhof

Bern Bahnhof is the terminus stop for tram line 3 and also serves tram lines 6, 7, 8 and 9 as well as bus lines 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 160, 168, 331 and 331. The stop is also an interchange for the mainline rail services stopping at the main station.

2 minutes

Hirschengraben is an intermediate stop on tram lines 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 and also serves bus lines 10, 11, 17, 19 and 30. The stop is named after the street that it is located on, which has a tree-lined central pedestrian area , with a monumet to Bernese mayor Adrian I von Bubenberg at the north end and a fountain by Joseph Victor Widmann at the south end.

2 minutes

Kocherpark is an intermediate stop on tram lines 3, 6, 7 and 8 and also serves bus line 17. The stop is named after the nearby park of the same name, which takes its name from Nobel laureate Theodor Kocher. Albert Kocher, one of the sons of Theodor Kocher, bequeathedthe plot of land that forms to park to the city of Bern in 1941.

1 minute

Hasler is an intermediate stop on tram line 3 and also serves bus line 17.

2 minutes

Eigerplatz is an intermediate stop on tram line 3 and also serves bus lines 10, 28 and 31. The stop is named after the nearby square of the same name.

1 minute

Beaumont is an intermediate stop on tram line 3 and also serves bus line 28.

1 minute

Weissenbühl is the terminus stop of tram line 3.
